3 min readJun 20, 2021


A storm rolls in and rages in a purple-pink hue. Thunder crashes on the ground and trembles the nearby houses into a panic. As the clouds get closer to the ground, I think that this will be my first tornado, too bad it’s going to be on my house. As the swirling vortex of an ashen nimbus gets closer to my door, it makes contact with the placemat in front of my door to clear up and reveal a blue-eyed, blond hair, chubby baby. I blink once, then twice, then open the door to see the baby extend their arms towards me. I grab its’ chunky arms and feel the cool touch of skin. As it starts clinging to my calves, I push it aside and cling closer to my doorway. I don’t trust it. I see the baby look in surprise at my haste to run from it. Then with an unbothered look, he turns and wobbles away. As my vision enlarges, I notice that every house is going through the same wonderment that is encountering me. There is an exodus of hundreds of these ethereal babies, in all the shades of the world, with different fabrics of color representing the cultures of the world. They seem to be heading over a small hill in the distance. As I watch in awe, I begin to fear if this is a test. My vision that I had last week came true and I took it lightly. Was I suppose to keep him? He seemed happy to stay but also was indifferent after I rejected him to stay.

The angelic babies walk in wobbling lines towards a watercolor horizon smothered in a violent cloud patch. My eyes drift to the skies above and the mini land spouts as quickly they evolved, they dissipated. Scattered in the clouds, thunder crackles in between the shapes. The baby I shoved onto the pavement gathered in a crowd of fellowship but after a few minutes of walking, became overwhelmed and paused for a breather. What power these foreign babies had, I knew not, but the guilt was smothering. hesitantly, I let go of my safe space and I walk over to where he rested, gathering his tiny palm within mine. The orbital gaze of this infant creature held me in a trance. Energies flowed between us like glittered wine at a party. My visions never show a purpose, just a jumble of pictures where I decipher fact from fiction. Usually, they pertain to the mundane but this one took me for a spin. Caught between sci-fi and reality, I pushed it out of my head while now the final piece of the vision is complete. We’re locked together, hand in hand, bones singing a song that neither can understand.

“Come”, he whispers into my mind with still lips. A gentle tug into the bruised horizon. I concede control and let him take the lead into the mysterious swirl of cloud and fog. Closer and closer we inch towards the anomaly when a flash of reflective metal makes me squint. A metallic gateway of some sort with runic-like symbols that I cannot place an origin. A mystic hum vibrates from metal embedded with a blue-green rock similar to seaweed in the ocean. The massive size of this gate cowers my heart and liquifies my knees. “Come back home”, the toddler telepathically urges me on. Home? I am home, I think to myself, confusion drowning out any possible logic I can pull from the situation. I strengthen my resolve and push forward. Others are in a similar predicament as I, held by the hand of an infant giant while walking towards a star gateway towards a home unknown.




Poetic writer with disproportioned anxieties that swim in a space of chaos.